Friday, September 28, 2018

The Best Cactus Products for Skin That's Drier than the Sahara Desert

Succulents are popping up everywhere, the perfect houseplant or small decor item for those of us in need of something low maintenance yet pretty. These plants are even starting to make their way into skin-care and beauty products, with cactus and prickly pear becoming some of the most coveted ingredients for a hike in hydration.

If you think about it, there's no surprise that cacti and their succulent relatives are the ultimate hydration boost for our skin. These plants thrive in hot, dry desert environments due to their ability to retain water. "Cactus collagen helps skin (especially the delicate under-eye area) retain water, boost elasticity, and de-puff bags, promoting vibrant and glowing skin, leaving the skin youthful and healthy," says Catherine Scott, founder of Honest Hazel.

MORE: Foolproof Ways to Keep Your Succulents Alive and Thriving

Cactus plants contain high amounts of vitamin E and flavonoids, essential fatty acids that provide nourishing and cooling benefits to skin, and can soothe inflammation. They're also filled with antioxidants, which can aid in the reduction of inflammation and are excellent for spot treatment and improving your hair's lustrous shine.

Nature has proven that succulents are great with staying hydrated in blazing desert climates, so when your skin starts to feel as dry as the Sahara as the air temps start to fall, turn to a friendly cactus to do the trick. "When the air outside is cold and dry, the water in your skin evaporates more quickly; this makes your skin feel dry and tight and makes it look flaky," writes Dr. Jessica Wu, cosmetic dermatologist. "In fact, your skin loses more than 25 percent of its ability to hold moisture in the winter."

MORE: Nasal Hummus Is an Actual Thing: Here's How to Treat It

Look out for ingredients like prickly pear oil and barbary fig seed oil, which are just variants of cactus oils. The more widely known aloe and agave ingredients are actually succulents as well, perfect for boosting and locking in hydration. Here are 15 products your skin will thank you for.

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