Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sarah Hyland & Mila Kunis Know They're Each Other's Celebrity Doppelgängers

Does Sarah Hyland look like every celebrity or does every celebrity look like Sarah Hyland? The 27-year-old actor has been mistaken for Marion Cotillard, Lucy Hale and of course, her number-one doppelgänger, Mila Kunis.

Though Hyland and Kunis have been mistaken for each other for years, some fans are still surprised by the resemblance. One Sarah Hyland fan account to Twitter on Thursday to remark their awe at how much the actors look alike. "omg Sarah ! @Sarah_Hyland" the fan tweeted, along with a side-by-side picture of Hyland and Kunis in similar black dresses, shoulder-length hair and smokey eye makeup.

Of course, the surprise is nothing that Hyland hasn't heard before. The Modern Family retweeted the fan and revealed that not only she knows that she's Kunis's doppelgänger, but Kunis knows as well. "We know ;)" Hyland tweeted, which led to dozens of fans tweeting about how the two should play sisters.

MORE: 15 Seriously Uncanny Celebrity Look-Alikes Who Will Blow Your Mind

Hyland first talked about her resemblance to Kunis on The Ellen DeGeneres Show eight years ago when she was mistaken for the That '70s Show star at the 2010 Golden Globe Awards. Apparently, Kunis introduced herself to Hyland first after she kept getting complimented about her role on Modern Family. "People go to up to her and say, 'Hi. I love Modern Family. And she goes, 'Thank you so much!'" And so I'm like, 'You pretend to be me. Can I pretend to be you?'" Hyland said.

Hyland's tweet comes three weeks after she took a twinning selfie with another of her celebrity look-alikes, Lucy Hale. The picture featured the actors nodding to their similar bushy eyebrows and big eyes that lead fans and the media to often mistake them. "Big eyes & bushy brows  
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